'How I Met Your Mother': 10 Great Gifts
Suit pajamas ($99.95 — 115.39 )
For: The guy who would like to wear suit pajamas to bed. Because what else would he sleep in?
Life-size Stormtrooper (cut-out) ($ 37.96)
For: Anyone looking to dress up a bachelor pad. Also, it's just awesome.
Ducky Tie ($17.25, plus $2.66 shipping)
For: Someone who lost a bet.
Bro Code for Parents or any other ''code'' books ($13.49)
For: New or expectant parents who don't yet know the wonders of ''The Boobs on the Bus.''
''Absolutely no boogie boarding'' sign ($ 26.90)
To: Avert disaster.
Puzzles shirt ($24.54)
For: A person who enjoys wit and wisdom in bloom — and banging chicks in Ted's room.
Star Wars Trilogy ($62.56)
For: Those who understand tradition.
''Intervention'' banner ($23.95)
For: Someone with a problem. Happy Holidays!
Sensory Deprivator 5000 (DIY — duct tape, sunglasses, noise-reducing earphones, and an empty cereal box)
For: Someone who understands you're on a budget, dammit.
HIMYM Soundtrack ($11.99 on iTunes)
For: Fans of legen—waitforit—dary music.